Wednesday 27 April 2011

talking about big rocks, part II

 So, on we went. Further into the interior and the rivers turn into waterfalls and the land drops down and down...

 A lot of power in that water. Enough to polish stones. Just around the corner from the last big waterfall I was dipping my hands into riverbed and pulling out all kinds of nature polished quartz.
Gotta watch the currents though!
So, a nice refreshing dip and on we went to the prize. Down, down into the earth. Well, it was an open face mine so the sky was there and I could see the earth´s fruits, just as they had been laid out, strata after strata. Amazing to see the theory so real, though I must say, open face mining is one of the ugliest acts man commits against this planet. Ugly, devastatingly ugly.

 Once in there, mind, it is a lot of fun roving over this glittering surface, with perfectly formed giant size crystals sticking out everywhere.

What a memorable day out. With many more tales to tell about the people who mine this land, the social structure, how the locals interact with industry, the history of silica rocks and there uses today. Not to mention the "What happened on our way home, Adventure" adventure...

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