Saturday 30 January 2010


Fruit: Jack Fruit, these guys are big.
And once ripe what a bounty!

Starting with their fragrance they are distinctive in every which way.

The flesh is delicious and plentyiful. It can be eaten fresh or deep fried as yummy sweet chips, as they do in India.
The chestnut sized seeds can be roasted, offering much sustenance.
It´s a love/hate relationship people have with Jack Fruit, due to the pungent odour.
This latin American variety is nowhere near as strong a smell as the Asian variety.

Here we have "Jabuthcicaba"
(spelling correction and English translation pending).

Wow wee, what a fruit!
We will have to wait until the seasons come around again to see a photo of the incredible alien like parent tree; the fruit grow straight out from the branches.

The fruit is delicious, like sweet perfumed petrol. The skin, acrid and inedible.

These guys are so shiny and bouncy! Inspirational.

And a big favorite "Mamon" Papaya.

Like Mango, here in the Cerrado, they grow everywhere, from the tended orchard to the trash heap!

Their taste is a far cry from the dried version europeans know from their museli.
If you ever imagined you couldn´t possibly eat three kilos of fruit in one sitting, you won´t after having one of these in front of you.
And if you want to imagine the tree, think of "The day of the Triffids", without the nightmare blindness and with all fecund growth and height!

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